We Must Continue the Fight to Protect Medicaid

The House and Senate Republicans and Democrats are meeting at the end of the month to decide on their respective caucus’ legislative priorities for 2018. Key House and Senate leaders indicated that they would like to cut spending on federal programs such as Medicaid in response to the 1.5 trillion dollar loss of revenue due to the tax cuts.   

This is a continuation of the fight in 2017 except they are using different messaging.  

Medicaid is at risk whether they are calling it “welfare reform” or “opportunities” or “jobs for people,” the end result is reducing enrollment in Medicaid and spending less on the program. Tell Congress they should seek bipartisan efforts to strengthen Medicaid and other social programs that people with disabilities rely on.      

Take Action!  

Call your Representative and Senators today at 202/224-3121. EVERY call matters. If we can prevent Congress from passing a budget, then Congress will not be able to cut or cap Medicaid. Act now as Congress will be deciding what direction to take at the end of the month.

What to Say:

  • I am your constituent.
  • I am a person with a disability (or a family member or professional in the field).
  • Medicaid provides critical services to people with disabilities.
  • Protect Medicaid from cuts and caps.
  • Do not pass a budget that allows Medicaid cuts.  

Can’t call? You can also text RESIST to 50409 or contact elected officials online.