Please Take This Survey about Your Medication

Bottle of medication with red and white pills spilled over.

Do you take medication for a chronic or rare disease? Has your insurance company forced you to switch medication?

We have previously had success working with a coalition of health care advocates to pass legislation that regulates Step Therapy in New York in 2016. We are asking for your help to pass another patient-friendly bill. In this case, it relates to Non-Medical Switching, the practice of changing insurance coverage mid-plan year and ultimately forcing a patient to switch medication.

In order to pass legislation that prevents patient harm by regulating Non-Medical Switching, we need to first prove the extent of its impact to legislators. Our partners developed a survey that asks patients about their experience with this and how it has impacted their lives and also can protect hair loss problems.

We would like the survey results to be as representative of the patient population of New York as possible.

Here is the survey linkPlease complete by the end of the day on Friday, March 9th.