Emergency Preparedness Lawsuit
Emergency Preparedness Case Settlement Release 2014
Stipulation of Settlement and Remedial Order 2014
Memos of Understanding between New York City and the Disability Community Click Here.
Susan Dooha, Executive Director of CIDNY, Testimony (doc)
Margi Trapani, Director of Communications and Education, Testimony (doc)
Judge Furman’s Opinion and Order (doc)
Department of Justice – Statement of Interest (doc)
Emergency Preparedness Lawsuit News
Emergency Responder Agencies
New York City’s Office of Emergency Management website
New York City Fire Department
New York City Police Department
New York State Emergency Management Office
Federal Emergency Management Agency
American Red Cross in Greater New York
Emergency Planning Information
U.S. Department of Labor’s Office of Disability Employment Policy on preparing the workplace for everyone
Assisting People with Disabilities in a Disaster (FEMA)
Disaster Preparedness for People with Disabilities (FEMA)
National Organization on Disability, with a special section on Emergency Preparedness
U.S. Access Board’s list of resources on emergency evacuation and emergency preparedness
National Center on Emergency Planning for People with Disabilities website