We educate State and local elected officials and other policymakers on the issues important to people with disabilities in NYC. We participate in various legislative advocacy days with people with disabilities who are part of our advocacy network and staff, provide budget testimony, and organize groups into coalitions that can advocate on common concerns. We draft recommendations and testify on behalf of our coalitions. People with disabilities that we work with come to legislative appointments and lead the teams. Our policy work ensures that legislation that protects the civil rights of people with disabilities, from the Americans with Disabilities Act to the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, to the Olmstead and other decisions, are enforced in our community. When advocacy and negotiation do not resolve an issue, we provide comprehensive research, testimony, and story collection to support litigation, as well as acting as plaintiffs in cases that affect the rights of people with disabilities.
CIDNY advocacy goals aim to ensure that people with disabilities have the tools they need to live independently, provide for their financial needs, and enjoy equal opportunity. We promote an environment where people with disabilities are recognized and respected members of the community and are active in advocating on issues that affect all of us. To this end, CIDNY advises public officials on ways to make public services work better, monitors public and private initiatives that serve people with disabilities, and offers constructive solutions to problems we see.
Physical Health and Mental Health Policy
We advocate for policies and services that meet the full range of care needs of people with disabilities.
Education Policy
Education is often the missing link that keeps people with disabilities from being able to get jobs – especially well-paying jobs.
We advocate for disability rights related to employment.
Housing Policy
We advocate for affordable and accessible housing for New Yorkers with disabilities and teach renters and landlords about the Fair Housing Act.
We work to improve transportation access in NYC with active campaigns on curb cuts, subway elevator access, accessible taxis, and improving Access-A-Ride (paratransit).
Voting Rights & Registration Information
Empowering people with disabilities to vote privately and independently.
Organizing with CIDNY Action Network
Empowering you to make change in your community through CIDNY’s Consumer Action Network (CAN).
Ensuring that people with disabilities are included in response plans during disasters.
View our annual policy priorities here.
Public notices are announcements about important legal proceedings impacting people with disabilities.
Our staff and advocates give testimony on issues affecting our community.
Updates on lawsuits that we are engaged in on behalf of New Yorkers with disabilities.