Image Description: From left to right: 1: CIDNY staff on City Hall steps rallying for mental health. 2: Advocates at 14th St. elevator ribbon cutting with NYC Comptroller and Public Advocate. 3: Attendees under tent at mobile health event. 4: Advocates rallying outside MTA HQ holding “Elevators are for everyone” banner. 5: CIDNY staff with visitors in lobby during mental health event. 6: Dr. Sharon McLennon Wier speaking in front of advocates outside City Hall. 7: CIDNY button held under “vote here” sign. 8: Advocates gathered outside Out of Service elevator. 9: CIDNY staff at table speaking to visitors.

CIDNY is a nonprofit organization founded in 1978. We are part of the Independent Living Centers movement: a national network of grassroots and community-based organizations that enhance opportunities for all people with disabilities to direct their own lives.

Community outreach organizer Monica Bartley speaking at a rally on transportation access.


CIDNY provides a variety of services for people with disabilities in New York City. Our benefits counselors can help you find and keep the appropriate package of health care coverage, SNAP (food stamps), Social Security, and other benefits so that you can maintain your independence.

Click here to view CIDNY's Rights and Responsibilities and Grievance Policy.


CIDNY's advocacy goals aim to ensure that people with disabilities have the tools they need to live independently, provide for their financial needs, and enjoy equal opportunity.


CIDNY offers a variety of workshops on subjects from getting organized to understanding your rights under the Americans with Disabilities Act. To see a full list of upcoming events, check out the Events Calendar.


purple box with white font employment with a graphic of a brief case
red box with white font Food Access with bowl of food graphic behind
purple box with white font peer counseling with a graphic of an arrow pointing at two people
red box with white text individual and systems advocacy with a megaphone graphic
a purple box with white font, healthcare. with a graphic of hand holding a heart with a cross
in a red box with white test youth services. with three stick people as a graphic
purple box with white font independent living skills training with a graphic of a stick figure family
a red box with white font SSI and SSDI with a hand holding a money sign graphic behind
a purple box with white font, long term care. with a graphic of a bed
a red box with white font housing with a graphic of a house
in a purple box with white font, transportation. with a graphic of a bus and a car
red box with white font nursing home transition and diversion with a graphic of a man on a walker

Complaints and Appeals

Complaints and Appeals

You have the right to object to or disagree with a proposed plan of action to address your concerns.
You have a right to object to the way services are provided.
Consumers are encouraged to address this issue directly with the staff member with whom they are working. Consumers may also ask to speak with the staff member’s supervisor.
If, however, you still feel that your complaint has not been resolved, you may contact CIDNY’s Executive Director in writing. Upon receiving a written complaint or grievance, the Executive Director will investigate the complaint and provide a written response within 30 days.
If you feel that the issue is still unresolved, it may be brought to the attention of CIDNY’s Board President in writing.
You have the right to a timely investigation of your complaint without fear of reprisal.
You may also contact the following offices about your complaint:
New York State Education Department
89 Washington Avenue
EBA 5th Floor
Albany, NY 12234
Attention: Independent Living
Voice, TTY, Toll Tree: (800) 222-5627 (Voice/TTY, toll free)
Disability Rights New York
5 Clinton Square, 3rd Floor
Albany, NY 12207